Joined: March 8, 2009
Posts: 2
Posted: Post subject: less outbreaks/ immune system needs vitamin D |
I have been reading quite a bit about vitamins in general, and I have come across some very interesting stuff about Vitamin D. All the research is not in, but here are some facts that have come to light:
Professor C. Geisler from the Department of International Health,
Immunology and Microbiology found that "when a T cell is exposed to
a foreign pathogen, it extends a signaling device or 'antenna' known
as a vitamin D receptor, with which it searches for vitamin D. This
means that the T cell must have vitamin D or activation of the cell
will cease. If the T cells cannot find enough vitamin D in the blood,
they won't even begin to mobilize. "
* So, take vitamin D for your immune system to function!
* Once you are vitamin D deficient it can take months to show up and months to get the levels back. 70% of North Americans are deficient of adequate Vitamin D to fight infection.
* Vitamin D also can help reverse Chrohn's disease
* Vitamin D helps prevent osteoporosis, depression, prostate cancer, breast cancer, and even obesity.
* It is hard to get adequate vitamin D from your diet alone. Sunlight exposure is the only reliable way to generate vitamin D in your own body. If you live North of Gerogia, you may not get sufficient UVB from Sept to April. Therefore it is imperitive to supplement as you cannot get enough from diet alone.
* Dark skinned people living in Canada need to take extra vitamin D as they often can't absorb enough. They are more susceptible to prostrate cancer if not.
* Even in summer, if you are fair skinned and slather on sunscreen and wear sunglasses, you may not absorb enough vitamin D through your skin or eyes. Sunscreen means up to 95% of the D is blocked as well.
* Vitamin D helps you to absorb and use calcium so I take mine in one combined capsule. I take higher then the recommended daily, but an Ontario Doc who is doing this research has started taking a heck of a lot higher doses knowing it is necessary for good health. The Canadian highest level stated for no toxicity is 2500 IU and it should be D3, not D2